American Diabetes Association: Tour de Cure Health & Wellness Event

By South College School of Pharmacy APhA-ASP: IPPE IV (other events)

Saturday, June 11 2016 10:30 AM 3:00 PM EDT

APhA-ASP Operation Diabetes and Walgreens Pharmacy are partnering with the American Diabetes Association to provide blood pressure screenings and diabetes education at the Health & Wellness Pavilion for the annual Tour de Cure fundraiser. Visit the Tour de Cure website to learn more about this great cause.

Please volunteer for this wonderful event to help bring diabetes awareness and education to your Knoxville community!

Preceptor: Dr. Gina Flomberg

Dress: Business casual. Khaki pants, polo, white coat. If it's too hot for your coat, you must wear your student badge at lapel level.

Food: All participants will have access to the food and beverage tent.